Friday, February 11, 2011

| Pokemon Black & White Countdown: Day 6 + doodles + wip + ecchi warning |

Viv; xD Ha ha really? I've always got a computer near by so I don't think getting anything else with Internet capabilities is a smart financial move on my half! xD Ha ha oh really? Lol I'm glad Kenta let me experiment on his commission, I found this tutorial to soften up art and I just wanna find that perfect combination of it's soft effects for my art!
Tee hee and yes! Leon's partner's name is Aster, and he's Rieka's! * v*)/ She just finished his design, we'll see when she posts him!

Day 6. Featuring Sapphire, May, whatever you wanna call her! Tee hee played with effects again. Damn this girl's hair is hard to draw for me! 8( Idk who to do tomorrow. Anybody got any requests? If not I might try to draw the childhood friends from Black/White. <3

Another WIP of a rl commission for DeviPoo on dA! Oh man I haven't done nice lineart in a loooong time. OTL LOL. /so lazy/

Tee hee, and now some Ryoji and Kara! They're so easy to draw because of how close and touchy-feely they are! *____* I can do just about anything with them! Anyways, looks a bit chilly! Kara's looking a little cold there...

Tee hee some more Valentine's Day chibis~! This time Raidin and Maci! Looks like Raidin's having troubles over there while Maci's being herself and questioning where the red string leads!
Raidin's had a crush on his childhood friend for as long as he could remember. His crush only turned into deeper feelings the more they were together. Eventually, weeks turned into months and months turned into years. He's the weirdest tsundere you'll ever meet. He's stubborn to the end, not wanting his feelings about Maci to be known.

On the flip side, Maci seemingly has no interest in Raidin other than he's been her best friend since they were practically in diapers. But it's all just a front. After all, a little heart to heart talk from girl to girl can release sooo many secrets~! 

Ahhh and then these two and their pseudo-lover ways! Ryoji's love for the girl is obvious. While he does in fact hit on and touch all the girls, his special interest in Kara is definitely noticeable. He doesn't directly say he loves her, but then again he knows how to woo a girl and treat her right. 

Kara on the other hand is a liiiittle tsundere. While she's comfortable with everybody, and when she's angry at Ryoji it's not uncommon to have found she snuck in to sleep with Sam, Raidin or Maci, Ryoji definitely is treated differently. She gets upset when he talks about or touches other girls. And she's always with him- for nearly everything.  

Tee hee. Ecchi in question right here. Don't ask about this. It's from an RP Rieka and I are doing atm. 8D Kara's such a tease.

ANNNNNNNNYWAYS it's 6am. 8D Bedtime. /runs off 

1 comment:

  1. xD I totally love May. Well, mostly all the girl pokemon trainers! And the new black and white anime is coming out and I think the girl is named Iris. She looks so cute.

    You should draw like. Platinum. 8) I think you've drawn him already but it's still one of my favorite trainers.

    Maci is so cute and kinda ditzy. I really like her face in this chibi.

    Oh ho ho boob shot. 8)

    And I think you know who this is. /shot not important
