Thursday, March 24, 2011

| commissions + freebie + doodles |

Oh snap! Today, I had to go see my school counselor to discuss a move towards my major and what classes I still need to take. Finally some good news!

Turns out, I have my GE done! HURRAY! There was one iffy class, because I had gone to a different college before the one I'm at now, and had passed a class there that may or may not count for one of my GE credit needs. But we're pretty sure it counts, considering it was offered under humanities at the other college and that's what I'm missing! Anyways, discussed my first steps towards getting into a career.

For what I'm looking at, it'll take about two years. 8> These next two years will be exciting and exhausting, but I'm sure I can do it! 

Firstly, the two Gaia commissioned I did yesterday with watermarks on them. 8) Here they are, done. Does it all look okay? @_____@ I always fear I'm taking a step backwards in my artistic skill.


Anyhoo! Let's get into today's artwork!

Finished another commission, this time for Akuwas on Gaia! SHE SAID I COULD DRAW THEM ALL YANDERE/YANGIRE SO I DIIIIIIIIIID FHKDSJF. Can't say no to blood! 8) I was pretty happy here, especially with their faces! I still  need to learn how to do streaks nicely. 8(

If you guys didn't know already, I've opened a freebie hangout at Gaia. Click here to see it. 

This is the first one I did in the thread! 8> Character belongs to I Myself Am, so no touching~! 

Tee hee now some OC work. Some Yurimi and Gage. 8> Just wanted to draw her pulling that tie because she totally does~! I'm sure Gage has whiplash from it, for reals. LOL. I was pretty happy with how Gage came out! TEE HEE SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE WAS GONNA KISS HIM~!

Tee hee ended up doing another commission! *____*)/ For cokichi on Gaia!

And a couple of picture rp pics: 01, 02 

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, hi roi. I'm sorry I ttly disappeared for like a couple days. 8( I beat white and finally started heart gold. And then got dissidia 12 WTF self.

    Omg lemme say I like the coloring on aku's commisom. Specially the eyes. 8D and omg teach me how to draw heels and chinks. :(

    WHUT ZORUA? Do you think I could get one?
