Thursday, June 2, 2011

| doodles |

Hey guys! Updating early tonight since I'll be away until most likely Sunday. Earliest I'll be back as late Saturday evening, so yeah. Not much going on from me art wise until then!

Had a Livestream today, I forget how fun they are when a bunch of friends are in it! Did requests on it, at least requests I got in my journal on dA! Let's go over it, yeah?

FIRSTLY THOUGH THIS LITTLE BASTARD D'AWWWW. And no I swear this isn't my OC! See, mine and Rieka's friend in rl had THIS ABSOLUTE RULE NEVER TO PLAY THE NEW PKMN GAMES. The latest console of any sort she owned was a Gameboy SP. Finally this week, after much moral support from us, SHE BOUGHT. A NEW NINTENDO DS LITE AND PKMN SOUL SILVER FUCK YEAH WE FINALLY GOT HER TO DO IT. EVEN MORE AMAZING- OF HER OWN FREE WILL- SHE BOUGHT PKMN BLACK HOLY SHIT.

Anyways, we convinced her to make a PKMN OC so here they are! Meet Spencer, a shota whose often mistaken for a girl. AND USES THAT TO HIS ADVANTAGE YOU LITTLE SHIT WHY I OUGHTA. /TOUCHES/

First LS request! * v* Majucat's request!

Tee hee, next is ChankoNabe's request!

And then comes Viv's request!


Annnnnyways~ That's all from me! 

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