Friday, December 11, 2015

[ DEC 10 - 11 ] [ 2015 ]

I spent my whole day off doing nothing. It was great. * v* Tho I randomly got this horrible headache early in the day? And then a few hours later, I got a bloody nose. That can't be good. o_o;;

I haven't thought about my son in a while! *___* Randomly today, he floated to mind! I missed you, Colt, lol. Drew him with his future waifu, Sadie! She was also part of the cult, albeit also another unwilling participant of the same game he's a victim of.

She's been there quite a while tho, as the cult takes in the winners of the game. She's from a previous game. Colt is there from the most recent. Sadie took quite an interest in him when he arrived, and eventually the two get to really know each other~

^ q^ Crap doodle of Taichi and Mika!! I like that gross hobo look on Taichi, haha.

I actually really love imagining what Aubrey and Elise do in their spare time when it's just them and Manny and Ryan? Because I really think Manny tries to keep them as far away from danger as possible??

So I'm sure Aubrey spends a lot of time just playing with Elise and doing random stuff! She's never had a sister before, so it's probably nice for her to goof off with another girl. :0c

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