Monday, June 3, 2024

[ MAY 01 - JUN 03 ] [ 2024 ]

 IT'S MAY??? jesus christ, where is time going

;_; this was the happiest moment of my life, a commission to draw my ocs, haha //// commission to draw emil and flynn from happenstance!

one day when we make multiple routes, i wanna write it so that every couple you can think of seems plausible, so anybody can ship anything they want! i admit the strongest written ones in the demo/emil routes is emil/kevin, emil/chloe, emil/flynn, callum/nisha, or andrea/flynn, imo.

!!!! MY COMP DIED AND I JUST GOT IT BACK UP AND RUNNING, this was supposed to be posted on may 2nd LMFAO

WELL HERE'S ANOTHER HAPPENSTANCE COMM!! andrea and callum, which i 100% can see if ppl ship these two, haha 

OK by e

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