Tuesday, November 2, 2010

[ NOV 2 ] [ 2010 ]


* v*)/ Okay but I did design a teacher for Hiro and Kimi's story. Meet Airi, a teacher at their school, specifically Hiro's teacher. She's currently pregnant, though word on the street is she's unmarried. Despite that, to those that know her it's pretty obvious who the father is, in fact he's just in another hallway, teaching class the same as she does...

Nonetheless! There seems to be more to her than meets the eye. She's getting ever closer to her due date, it'll only be a matter of time before she has to take maternity leave. She does mention to her class that it'll be okay and they can still see her and maybe the baby, because she'll be helping out fellow teacher Sano, who is Kimi's teacher.

Despite the fact Airi is Hiro's teacher, Kimi thinks of her mom when she looks at her... 


  1. ajkefnejfnfknsjkfn Hnnnnnnnnnnng why is Airi such a cute pregnant lady?! Q AQ She even has that cute motherly glow to her already! Q uQ! <3 Oh ho ho ho I wonder who the father is?! /lol is a jackass

    Ohhhhhh maybe Airi and Kimi's mom -lolololol wonder who that is- maybe have a connection?! LOL Maybe related, well we can talk about it on IM's! * u*

  2. Q AQ AWWWWW. SHE'S SO CUTE AND MOE AND MOTHERLY AND ADORABLE AND I BET HER KID IS GOING TO BE FUCKING CUTE AS XCBKBDKDBKBDKBUKEDBN. Gah words can not express how awesome and cute and asdkbcsdkcbksndcsdncashcklzxnchklszhcfklasdhc she is. Q AQQQQQQQ

    Also, xD! I love her hair, it's so cute.
