Friday, February 17, 2012

| wip + doodles |

* 7* My back hurts.

Lined the auction winner's doodle cheeb! Think I'll work my way up! * 7* Doodle cheeb, cheeb, double cheeb couple, then chibi couple! The coloring is gonna be way more complicated than this!

"Listen dammit! I don't care how you view me, but I love you more than anybody else- more than I should! As more than I should! I don't care if you don't see me that way! I don't care if you hate me forever for saying this, but you have to believe me! I swear, I swear Hana's setting you up for death! I... I can't let that happen! I won't let it happen! Please Luke, please believe me...! She's working not only to kill you, but Ojii-san, too! If my feelings are worth nothing to you, please, for him...!" 

"I don't know if I'll even wake up tomorrow. It hurts being here. I hear all these newborn infants being born... and I'm jealous. I probably won't know... what it feels like... to be married. Yet so many people take that for granted. I won't... ever get to know what... our child would look like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry my body isn't strong enough, Gage. I'm jealous of everybody else, I really am. Even the couples that fight and yell. Because they can still wake up the next day, kiss, and make up. You can't do that... when one of them is in the grave... I want to experience the happiness of marriage, the stress of a new home and making a living, the bliss of a child, the pain of an argument. But I probably... never will... Isn't it unfair?"


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