Tuesday, July 29, 2014

[ JULY 29 ] [ 2014 ]

my ring finger on my left hand hurts? i'm not a leftie, so what did i do that hurt it?

* q*)9 So lately I've been watching a Forbidden Siren 2 LP hehe ///// Since it's highly doubtful I'll live out my dream of getting to play it myself, I caved and finally got around to watching an LP. Hehe and FINALLY I'VE MET ICHIKO AND WOWOWOWOW ////

I mean I'm so used to Tomoko and Harumi on Siren ((and Bella from Siren: Blood Curse)) and not being able to attack? BUT NO ICHIKO. THE MOMENT YOU GET TO PLAY AS HER. FOR ONE THING THE GIRL CAN TAKE A FEW BULLETS LIKE THE ADULT CHARAS. AND FOR ANOTHER SHE CAN USE WEAPONS. Like omg she can use hand axes how fcking bad ass??? God bless her. I'm so excited to learn more about her!!

* q* I HAVEN'T DRAWN MY CHIBI KONOHAS IN A WHILE so i fixed that with clothes falling off his butt ////// kawaii ///// i miss drawing him weeps!!! by the time september hits tho, my life will go back to relatively slow pace hehe. * q*

aND HERE IS A CHILD THAT WILL NEVER GET TO EXIST BC ETZAL DIDN'T WANNA LISTEN TO KASSINA. cries into hands i'm an emotional wreck tonight. etzal and kassina's child, if they had been able to get to that stage! sadly his entire village and all his kin were slaughtered and because kassina was the lone human ever let in, he assumed she was playing him a fool and brought a band of rogues to off them.

she spent the entire rest of her time trying to convince him she wasn't a part of it and they can work together to figure something out. which wasn't very long because eventually they had their final face off and in the end, kassina split their spirits in half in hopes that in the future, she can either convince him to forgive or... gather to courage to kill the one and only person that she's ever fallen in love with.

this uh. woulda been their first child, but as you can see. it didn't work out that way. their souls were halved and that's where cleff, takato, zuna and ailah were born from weeps.

hUFFS A LOT MAKING TONS MORE OCS /// this is in the same story as the pic above! * q* hehe the first time skip! this isn't one of the characters already introduced tho!

* q* hehe this is how takato's wife first looks when they first meet! she's probably some sort of... not rogue. she learns they're on the run and help them out. i think she likes a little adventure now and then? she uses an axe, and can take care of herself! but not in the way zuna and ailah boast about it, lol.

i really wanted high waisted pants bc all the bad ass ladies i can think of ((okay, mitsuru from p3)) wear them and that's hot //// i love mitsuru so much ///// i really liked her and akihiko together help me they were cute ?????? okface i am tired so i shall sleep! * q* g'night!

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