Monday, August 3, 2015

[ AUG 2 - 3 ] [ 2015 ]

O ^O It's my last week of work, ahhh!!!

Omfg I only draw Katsumi to make him suffer, lol. ^ q^ I love making this kid suffer, he's like my personal punching bag!

Also, you know, his unrequited love and all. Never to be noticed and shit. :v Actually, he's a really lonely kid. But doesn't know how to ask for help.

LOLS blatant Love Live rip offs! But that's sort of the point, lol! Making "new" idols for the knock off Love Live in a story! ^ q^ I honestly just color swapped these girls, lmfao! Rieka has the other five!

They're not important to the story tbh, but they're important to the losers so. Here's some of the girls!


; 7; Art trade with Rieka, and I added the blinking for free, haha. I gotta learn to tone it down with colors tho, bc it brings the quality down when I go to save for web! 8(!

O ^O Omg I'm acTUALLY DOING REFS FOR IDOL STORY FINALLY! //closes eyes slow motivation ahaha!

Ehehehe it's my day off! ^ 7^)9 //ROLLS TO BED AT  6AM!!

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