Friday, January 22, 2016

[ JAN 21 - 22 ] [ 2016 ]

^ q^ I'm gonna be gone the next few days on a trip, so please excuse the inactivity!

I know I uploaded Soren already, but I wanted these two uploaded in the same post! ^ q^ Time to try to figure out their pasts and stories!

This is Soren Lockridge. He's born, raised and currently lives on the [SENTIC] side of the world. At 18 yrs old, he has a Mother, Father and elder brother [24]. Elder brother lives on another continent on the [SENTIC] side of the world. Exceptionally skilled and intelligent. A bit of a genius.

He's a special case born with dual abilities. A very strong ability to heal. As well as can physically wield energy and charge it as a weapon. Due to his strong healing abilities and quick ascension through schooling, he's on his third year of the prestigious academy/university towards being in the medical field.

He's calm and collected and tries to let things slide off him, but honestly he bites his tongue in order to avoid needless conflict. So long as what others want doesn't directly interfere with him or anybody he cares about, he doesn't see too much a need to stop them. Bored, but believes it's because he's mastering his ability too quickly and learning too fast. Perhaps it's because his entire life was decided the moment his abilities took form; tho this is true for every Sentic.

Parents were probably friends with Sonia's parents long before they were born. Thus, she's his childhood friend. Met Ayesha probably about 3-4 months ago? Maybe even 2 months ago, a very short time.

Probably acquired his Cortia from the educational headmaster, after he starts his journey? Not entirely sure why he sets out on his journey.

This is Ayesha Bellerose. She was born on the [NORMAL] side of the world. Despite the fact the [NORMAL] side are born without abilities, she has one. A result of a mutation of some sort, as her parents are not Sentics in any way. She had a powerful mutation as well, with the ability to make portals or worm holes. On top of it being powerful, she mastered it quickly. However, it made her quite an outcast and the subject of bullying for being a monster or freak.

Unknown length of time she was able to cross into the Sentic's side of the world. There, she met "Alister" who was much older than her. An outcast as well in the Sentic side, the two made friends. She eventually tells him about her side of the world, where people aren't born with special abilities and it made her an anomaly. Seeing as he was born without any powers in the Sentic world also made him an outcast, she proposes he goes to see her world. When he does, her power is taken away by a higher being, and replaced with dark and water abilities.

Thus, Ayesha is stuck in the Sentic world, and Alister stuck in the normal world. Because she had powers and he didn't, the higher beings felt it would be fine to leave the two in those foreign worlds. By taking away her true power, memories of it also left. They're quite fuzzy and hard to recall. Alongside those memories went Alister as well.

Her new attribute of darkness fills those gaps where she remembers "something black"- which was truly the portals, but are easily explained by her dark abilities. However, she remembers a mother and a father and a person she can't quite recall at all. She has troubles remembering if it was even male or female.

She spent the majority of the 5 years alone, wandering from place to place within the vicinity. She also has a pet, which has not been decided or drawn yet; her only companion. The Cortia she wears was found, and she decided to keep it.

Soren finds the girl on one of his field researches. At first, he ignores the girl. But it becomes evident she's either lost or alone. After gaining her trust through coaxing and gentle talking, she goes along with him for a proper meal. He probably continues this through a few days before he decides to take total care of her, gaining a big brother/little sister bond. She also meets Sonia through Soren, most likely.

A desire to connect with others, but a little scared to due to being alone so long. Since Soren is the first person she's gotten attached to in so long, probably hides behind him the most, with Sonia being second.

O_O Ok, I gotta get ready for my trip hehe!! Good night!!

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