Sunday, February 3, 2019

[ FEB 3 ] [ 2019 ]

got work tomorrow so no late nights for me! not that i've been staying up late!??! i've been asleep no later than 10pm lately...


copypasta lol!

Honestly? No, I wouldn't, lol. I know there's some holier than thou movement that argues we DON'T need to revel in the dark side of humanity, but I disagree. Fictional stories is how we experience these things, and if you want some make believe happy land, then by all means, make it! Don't think you're somehow that much better than somebody who revels in reality or drama?

In the past, I just straight up killed my OCs when I felt it was appropriate, lol. Of course, these days, I still have killed a few when I felt it was right (or if the story was written already knowing this death). But now, I've come to understand that sometimes living is worst than death, so now I like to sit and think how do they come to terms with their situation? Do they even GET to come to terms with their situation or let it eat you alive?

The world is not kind and sometimes you really aren't able to ever overcome a problem. Not everybody will achieve their dreams, nor will they peak or hit their ultimate happiness.

And that's ok- I like stories that show these sides of people. I don't need to feel worse about my own failures seeing fictional characters overcome stupidly difficult problems and become the ultimate being lol.

Looping back tho, ya no, I'm more or less not kind. Depends on the story tho! Stories without a plot, problems, grey areas, are boring and I don't want them, sorry lol.


i THINK ryusei is my latest death lol??? i honestly was so sad to let him die?? BUT IT FELT... RIGHT... //CRIES INTO HANDS!!

he dies for his girlfriend bc he's a VERY GOOD BOYFRIEND. tho now nobody is there to watch out for her, and she's in a very dangerous position so //PRAYERS FOR ICHIGO.

HERE IS MILO!! silas' only child! ^ q^ a very, VERY important character, actually, the entire story revolves around how everybody wants to kidnap this child lol.

DIDN'T FINISH MY LAST PIECE i'll shade it tomorrow gniiight

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