Monday, August 30, 2010

[ AUGUST 30 ] [ 2010 ]

Oh man, busy, busy weekend! Didn't do much till today!

First, some WIPs. Children, avert ye eyes! Some PG13+ stuff going on, maybe even PG16! /gasp/

 First, a WIP for a rl commission. * v* I haven't really drawn a chibi in forever....

 'Nother WIP, 'nother rl commission. T vT Mermaids are hard to draw. 

 Doodle time! Some of my OC, Suya. This is possibly what she sorta, kinda looks like in the 2 year time skip that occurs with the story she's in.

More doodles! This time, of Suya's boyfriend, Zakai. I reeeaaally like playing with white and black. T vT ♥ Monochrome schemes, hell yeah!

Last but definitely not least, a new OC I've been meaning to make for a good... few months now lol. /lazy bitch/

 He goes by Crazy Face, that's the name the town gave him since all he does is roam town muttering to himself and doing bat shit crazy things. He's well known to the Guilds (basically, gangs but with specialties)  in town because he lets himself in and cleans the places up, like a janitor. He also claims to be a veteran and a pirate, depending what day you ask him. 

He's very bright and happy and cheerful looking, though can have a bit of an animal look in his eyes. However, it would seem he has a darker side, perhaps. Maybe it's all an act, or maybe it's not. Nobody can say for sure, and nobody has ever seen this half of him. They're all dead, anyways, it would seem. 

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