Wednesday, August 25, 2010

[ AUGUST 25 ] [ 2010 ]


Stayed up extra late today since no school tomorrow. ♥ 

So lately I've been in an art block. And when that happens, Rieka makes a list of OCs and themes. She numbers them, and I give her numbers and she tells me what got matched and I draw it. She usually does the same with a list I made when I'm doing it! So we did that, and I experimented lots today!

First, a freebie I did on Gaia for PK Freeze. * v* Started my experimenting phase. 

Blaaaaah! This was done for a speed paint video, which I'm not very proud of! I'm so sorry, guys, I'll do my best to defeat art block and give you a worthy speed paint!

This is my OC, Iris Rowen. She's a bit older than the newer ones I draw a lot. But I looooove her to death!

SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIREN. Forbidden Siren fanart. This single piece I did VERY randomly of Miyako and maaaaan I'm so happy with it! ♥ /sobs/  

Ah hur hur! This was supposed to be Miyako again, buuuut it doesn't really look lik her. Sooooo experiment?!?!?!? LOL. 

Doodle #1! My OC Kiotome cooking. This is what happens when she cooks. Dinosaurs go extinct. 

I DIDN'T THINK IT COULD BE DONE. But I did it! This is my OC, Markee. For those that know... her... yes, this is... a him. Doodle #2! Markee, genderbent! This is what I came to. Markee is a cute little gothic lolita with purple hair and lime green contacts. Well, this is her male counterpart! I KNEW I COULD DO IT!

Doodle #3, my OC Arlett playing some sport. She's trapped in the body of a loli, despite being 24 or something like that. * v* I dun remember. She's NOT a loli by age. LOL. Too bad everything else about her screams loli!

More Siren fanart I did in between doodles of OCs. Tomoko! She's so cuuuuuuute I had to draw her. 

Doodle #4! Rieka's OC Raye wearing some sort of glasses. LOL HE'S SO TSUNDERE AND GRRRRR I DREW HIM IN CUTE MOE MOE HEART GLASSES. * v* ♥ I bet he hates me, that little demon.

Doodle #5! My OC Tenji dressed as a character from Siren. Which you can't tell 'cause lack of colors, but he's Shiro! * v* Lol yes, Tenji's eyes are actually naturally red, and his hair is black. I think he pulls off the crazed look well, for being such a sweetheart. 

More fanart! Siren of course. This is why Tenji was Shiro, because I was drawing this at the same time! ♥ SHIIIIRO. I'M SO HARD GAY FOR YOU. DIHFALKHFDSKF

And that's Risa's hat he's holding, dammit. /hand to your face/ Notice the lack of blood unlike Mina's.

Doodle #6! My OC Matt doing something he never would. LOL. Self explanatory.

Doodle #7, last for the night! My OC Nanala, wearing animal ears. * v* I think rabbits are cute, it was that or kitty ears~ ♥ 

Weeeeell I wonder when the next time  will be there's such a huge art dump!? See ya! 

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