Monday, November 15, 2010

[ NOV 15 ] [ 2010 ]

Viv; Tee hee you're welcome! >8D Jiki is quite creepy, I wouldn't get on her bad side. She'll rip you a new one. Though she does she... slight compassion for her team mates. Slight. 

Riekun; LOL OH MAN I CAN'T WAIT FOR JIKI, TALON AND  ONI'S MASKS TO COME OFF. Though idk what two of the three look like underneath... o_o I wanna make possibly the captain tomorrow! Or the substitute, and possibly work on an outfit for Airi after she gives birth~ * v* SINCE YOU KNOW. IT PROBABLY ALREADY HAPPENED.

Six; xD LOL GASP SIX~ ♥ Tee hee welcome to my little hideaway!


Something new I tried with Kimi, art wise. Instead of the usual pen tool I use to lineart, I tried a size 1 marker tool. o_x 

Tee hee, this is when she wants to look  nice! ♥ One day, she hopes this will be an outfit she wears on a date, though she doesn't want to say that aloud!

FFFFF HOW I SHIP YOU TWOOOO. Some more KibaHina. I read a few chapters of Naruto today and it was an arc with Kiba in it. I wanted to doodle him in casual clothes, and I was happy with how he came out. I used his outfit for the chunin exams when he and Hinata watch the fights together, and I was like... well why not add Hinata then? So I did~

* v*)/ Tee hee. I was really happy with Kiba. Yes I was. 

I think it's time for a new tradition! I seem to have a song that I listen to that day or a song I feel related to. >:I LOL So to make everybody else suffer with me, I'll post the song that I adore and drew lots of my art to.


  1. SIX:


    Uwah, Kimi looks adorable! /noms on her hair ;~;/

    FFFFF And Kiba and Hinata look great! *U* WAIT TILL AKAMARU RUINS THE MOMENT LOLOL

  2. KIMIMIMIMIMIMI~ <33333 She looks hella cute in that outfit once again! Q uQ)/ <3333 And actually her hair put up like that is really cute! Plus I never would have guessed that was the marker tool! IDK How you did it, it must have been a pain! @ A@!

    And yeeeeeeees I can never ever get enough of KibaHina! Q AQ <3333 Let's fill the world with them more! * U*! I also really love Kiba's outfit during that part in the arc, it's hella cute! Q uQ And I think Kiba and Hinata came out really cute here, I love both their expressions~ <3

    And hey I'm listening to this song right now! * u*! I've been obsessing over it~ OK confession but when I hear this song the line "That's when she said I don't hate you boy, I just want to save you while there's still something left to save." It kinda makes me think of like Sakura to Sasuke, ya just that line thought. lol RANDOM FACT OF THE DAY
