Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[ NOV 17 ] [ 2010 ]

Six; Q vQ B'awwww you're too kind~ TEE HEE YOU KNOW I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT AKAMARU RUINING THE MOMENT... /would draw him if... she could... draw animals... OTL /SOBDESU/

Riekun; Q AQ! LOL Really? I used the marker tool only for the lineart, that's why it's so light and... fluffly? I REALLY WANNA OBTAIN THE WATER COLOR LOOK TO DIGITAL ART. Q AQ ONE DAY! Oh man I adore Kiba's outfit there and when he was younger! * n* So adooooorable. ♥ I almost made up Hinata's outfit I couldn't find a good ref of it. >:I Waaaah I do wanna do more KibaHina art~ >8D LOL YOU NERD. BUT NOW THAT YOU SAID THAT... I'LL FOREVER THINK OF THAT. /SHAKES YOU LIKE A BABY/

A'ight guys, time to meet a new OC to Kimi and Hiro's story. Meet Tenma, the substitute teacher that takes over Airi's class when she's officially on maternity leave. It would seem she's already made herself at home, bossing the other faculty members around and enjoying her stay. Honestly though, she usually subs for the rival school... so to the students she's probably some sort of threat. 

She also seems to already have connections to some of her fellow teachers. See, subbing is only her new job. She spent much of her time as a bar tender, and ironically a couple of her customers are some teachers at the school. One of them, however, seems to have his eye on her- not to her dismay, the big pervert! But even so, there still feels like there's more to her, she feels like she's hiding potential, something welling inside her, something that  makes you believe every threat she gives, that she can back it up... just what that is, nobody knows. She has no history of violence in term of serious violence, not comical violence. 

Working on some more school uniforms~ LOL Ignore that scribble in the upper left corner... * v*)/ LOL.

Because it's for the rival school mates! Meet Seiji, a cold, brash boy whose not afraid to insult a complete stranger. He can be a bit of a misogynist, but no worries, girls! He's an all around douche to everybody. His favorite insult is "whore," to which he feels applies to those girls from the rival high school. He seems rather close to the sub, Tenma though...

He's often seen with a girl, in fact everything they do is pretty suspicious. He's not much a trouble maker in school other than his sharp tongue and refusal to wear his uniform correctly. However, he's not liking Hiro and Kimi too much. And those teachers helping them. Bah! It's okay though. An old man, a pregnant whore who doesn't know the father to her child, some doormat of a girl and a hot-headed idiot born feet first won't stop him! Heh.  

No song today~ * n* Listened to a variety without looping~ 


  1. TENMA MY LOVE YOU SEXY WILD ANIMAL YOU~ <3333 Tee hee sorry that was the pervy teacher~ * u*)/ WHICH SHE SHOULD BE HAPPY I'M GOING TO BE MAKING HIM NEXT~ LOL So many new OC's for me to draaaaw now I'm happy~ * A*)/ <3

    AND SEIJI MY OTHER LOVE~ LOL Tee hee sorry yet again, this time it was Saika~ * u* -lol not the pervy teacher I swear- Finally we got a good old fashion Gary Motherfucking Oak out there~ * u*! <3 Gahhh I really like his hair still BTW~ I'm jealous that you made it up so easily! XD

    AND ALSO LOL AT HIS DESCRIPTION OF EVERYONE. Though he better watch it, Hiro is gonna kick his pretty little head right off. >:I

    Which OC do you plan on making next? * u*)/

    ; A;

    WHY ARE YOU OCs SO DBDKBDF. They look nice, they have a good story/personality, and they're all...ROI. D: THey're all ROI. That is the word!

    U-Um, how do you say Seiji's name? Seh-gee? OTL.
