Sunday, December 19, 2010

[ DEC 19 ] [ 2010 ]

8( I am quite brain dead today. Like for reals.

Viv; xD Ha ha no it's okies! I suppose I should be happy anybody checks here at all other than Rieka! 

Tee hee, some Airi! Idk just drew her randomly. I'm not happy with her post-pregnancy outfit, so I might make her another one. 8( She has a very distinct style so I'm not open to many outfits. She's definitely a modest woman.

LOL Rieka and I were matching up OCs to situations and the one that popped up was Nikoji wearing a swimsuit. 8) And thus. I drew this. LOL I think it suits him. 

8( Omg guys so sorry it's so light, it's how I sketch. On the left is Sotaru, with his hand against the other dude's mouth. The one in the middle is Genji, pulling the girl's hair. The girl on the right is Yukina. LOL KINKY~I can... kinda see... any combination of these three together. Sota/Yukina, Sota/Genji, or Genji/Yukina. Two of them are cousins btw, have fun with that. 8( Or in my head they're just all three together. 8) 

I really loved this piece at first. But now that I colored it... not so much. God, lately I've been hating my colored art. I'm just not happy with it it seems. At least I'm happy with the sketch so I know generally I'm happy with my style...?

8( BED TIME NOW~ /runs away 

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