Wednesday, March 16, 2011

| doodles |

8( My only story of the day is that it's cold, rainy and windy. Oh and I'm hungry. ;________; LOL.

Tee hee let's start with my baby, Raidin my Pokemon trainer OC~! He's seriously a country boy at heart, and finds enjoyment in these little moments! Anyways, his first Pokemon is Yuuto, the Typhlosion to the right! He caught the cutest female Dratini (seriously, she was naive b'awww) and named her Nix! *____*)/ And then his Lucario, Zinc. He's the most tough-hearted out of his team thus far, lol. 

Aaaaand that Cyndaquil is his Typhlosion's baby! Raidin's companion has a female Quilava, and she's the mother~ * v* So adoooorable. 

;__________; I do love Raidin lots. Out of all my Pokemon OCs, he's my favorite. Tee hee he's so fun to pick on. <3

Tee hee now some fun with the newest three! Kay so Yurimi, I wouldn't call her a flirt. More like a tease? A troll? LOL Troll might be accurate. She has fun picking on the boys. Well, Gage. Kouhei knows that if he doesn't respond to  her trolling, she'll go away LOL. 

Anyways~ She was trolling Gage who got upset, and she asked him if a kiss would make it up, to which she was a bit surprised he said maybe. Her original plan was to make Gage close his eyes and trick Kouhei into kissing him, because in her words "god they're so gay for each other, I'm such a third wheel! ;____;" LOL. It didn't work. And Gage was upset while Kouhei was disturbed.

And now some SIREN.8) Tee hee I never draw these two together but damn are they cute! Have some Miyako and Kyoya, the main characters from the first game! They're together the entire game and d'awwww. <3 LOL, I think this is probably the most popular shipping other than Shiro/Kei! I think right after that would have to be Shiro/Mina, LOL. 

LOL. This was kinda fun to draw. |D LOL When Yurimi's upset at Gage, she'll hella pants his ass! 

So this ended up entirely different than what I intended. It was originally supposed to be Kouhei up top where he is, and the black part supposed to be Gage. >____> But he's kind of a douche and wouldn't work with me. So. I filled in the bottom part with black, drew in some lines, threw grey in the back and called it a day. 


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