Friday, May 18, 2012

| doodles + SIREN fanart |

Nggghn blurry eyes sob.

Girl: Kiotome. Weapon: pistol. 

Lol this girl and Dakota are the only smart ones, wearing shorts under their skirts so far. Lol she's pretty athletic, and is going to be stuck alongside Zeek, Ari and Raeon. BASICALLY EVERYBODY SHE CAN BONE-- I like her harem. So does she.

Girl: Koumi. Weapon: hacksaw. 

Okay this girl can be kinda crazy, kinda scary. She's cold and calculating, and can do a complete 180 from innocent and sweet 5 year old (lol) to cunning and calculating woman. She's not going to kill for fun, honestly she'd rather scam them all out of their shit. But it's killed or be killed, after all...

NGGHNN took a break from refs because I was trying to draw one girl BUT I HATED HER REF SO BAD I JUST. UUUUGH. 

So I turned to Aiyana and Katsumi, on the beach trip. Uhh lessee what they talking about here-- 

Aiyana: You've been sitting on the rocks the whole day, um, are you bored?
Katsumi: No, it's not that. I just... don't like these things as much as I used to back then.
Aiyana: I-I see. We should have asked you if you were okay with the destination. I'm sorry...
Katsumi: It's not that, either. I'm just paranoid, that's all.

ROOOOFL OKAY I'M KINDA A BITCH before I showed this to Rieka, I told her to play a sad song. Not a sad love song, but a sad song. Then I gave her a Tinypic link and told her to click it ROFL AIMING STRAIGHT FOR THE KOKORO LIKE A BITCH--

So anyways this is Noah, the lighter haired boy, Zane the dark black haired boy and Nia, the girl with the blood. They're from a legit happy story and we were messing around talking about putting them in this Battle Royale style AU, buuuut... they ended up really getting stuck in it lol. 

Nia is the very first death, she dies before even getting her weapon. She was used as an example of what the collars can do. You wouldn't believe how big an impact her death ended up having... 

Left the sketch again to distract from the fug lol.

NGGHHNN GOT LAZY AND DREW MIYAKO AND HER DOG holy shit what's the dogs name sob.

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