Monday, October 22, 2012

| 10/22 |

Tearplz such a busy day!

= v= Ha ha, gotta think of how to manage my few hours at school tomorrow. I can either work on rl coms (means taking Jin), history hw (means taking history book, and I have the option to take Jin or use school comp), or just draw.

I really wanna finish rl coms though. I don't like having owed art waiting on me. It makes me all FHAKLFSJDF //NOT WANNA DO NOTHING ELSE BUT FINISH THEM CRAIS//// Because I feel bad making people wait.

//will sacrifice things she wants/make fast decisions if it means not making people wait// This even counts for like. Ordering food at fast food places. I'll just. Blurt out the first thing I think of. Even if I don't want it. :(

Idk. Hate making people wait.

Rl commission wip! I get nervous in the wip stage because now I'm scared the pose is completely wrong. Q vQ Might start making people give me a pose just to completely avoid that.

//girl who takes things too hard

EEEE it's kinda fun trying new things! RL commission for Felutiahime on dA!

Heh heh, trying to fix a couple of them! ; 7; Heh heh, language barrier I hate you, not sure if this is what my commissioner wants?!

TEARPLZ TIRED OKAY YES. WILL DECIDE WHAT I'MMA DO IN THE MORNING- oh shit wait regardless gotta take Jin. >8I Gotta work on my project and I ain't got it on a thumbdrive. //floats off

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