Monday, May 4, 2015

[ MAY 4 ] [ 2015 ]

My life is literally nothing but work, work, work.... At least my paychecks are picking up! But gosh,  I crave for a couple of days off... this working 6 days a week thing isn't all that great!

My art has gotten experimental lmfao??? O_O I was gonna try to draw Chloe, but somehow, she lost her head?

So I've been playing a TON of Persona lately, and we know the shadow selves of everybody in P4, that idea, is right up my alley, tehe.

So Shadow Ben! ^ q^//////// In his story, his secret is that he cheated on his wife after they first married and while she was heavily pregnant. He wasn't feeling too hot about being "tied down" and having children. So he ended up having an affair with another woman.

In the end, when his first daughter was born, he decided that he wanted to actually become a good father and broke off the affair. However, Ben's a coward in the end and never confessed to his wife- or anybody. Until this story happened, which reveals each of the cast member's biggest secrets!

So it's not necessarily how they "really feel," so much as playing off their secret. Ben's affair would mean his shadow would have no interest in the boys, or his family, but Misha would catch his eye.

^ q^ Next is Christian! To be honest, his isn't really a threat like the others are, but he's still incredibly embarrassing. I think he'd push away Misha and be nicer to the boys, the opposite of Ben basically. But I don't think he comes off as strongly as Ben did, maybe because he has a bigger pool of boys?

And last for tonight is Ken! ^ q^ He must have a decently high and positive opinion of himself if he thought he could do better than the others could at the higher ranked jobs. So maybe his shadow might have a superiority complex?? Hmm!!!!

orz Ok ok. I got work in the morning as frickin' usual. Good night!!

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