Monday, December 27, 2010

[ DEC 27 ] [ 2010 ]

Viv; xD Ha ha now that you say that, I see all the red eyes! /didn't notice at all/ Do ho ho I do love me some Aki and Sano~ * v*)/ AND YEAH I REALLY HATED THEIR HANDS. 8( /DROPKICKS THEM BOTH/ Tee hee~ Probably left Amari with either Mako or Kimi~ * v*)/

Another point commission~ This one's for Eunsul on dA, so no touching! These chibis came out a little different than I was trying to go for! j vj 

Do ho ho and now some rrreeeeaaallllyyy random stuff! Some OC stuff, my Michi at the top, my Suya in the middle and Rieka's Zakai at the bottom. It looks like Suya just heard something she wasn't happy with, neh? Michi did have quite a bit to tell Suya. Poor Zakai, because of his amnesia he can't remember anything so he gets to sit back and watch the scene unfold before him~!

 THIS ISN'T NEARLY AS BAD AS IT LOOKS NOR ARE THERE ANY ROMANTIC FEELINGS INVOLVED, LOL. Yukina just wanted to see if Sota could pull off being a girl! Hence the rape face, she's totally gonna see if he can. You could call them the Haruhi and Mikuru of their group, LOL. 'Cept Sota gets mad, and doesn't 100% take it. 

LOL I tried designing a fighter outfit for Airi. Her entire ability is based around speed and thus she needs tight or less clothes. Being the modest woman she is, that's asking a lot of her. But she still does it! She's still got to fight, dammit!

 Also randomly, a sketch.

It was a WIP I uploaded of Airi up there. 8> 

NOT MUCH ELSE~ /runs off 

1 comment:

  1. Wait.
    Why does Zakai have a red eye? D: Lol I think it has something to do with Harlow, but IDK. /failure


    Fight who? D: Jiki/Talon and the other guy? Do ho ho, Airi, you blushing at that cleavage? * v* /looks and tries to touch/
    As for the speed-ethic of the outfit, I think those boots should be...tighter. /LOLCOUGH/
    That is all. c:
