Monday, May 16, 2011

| wip + doodles |

Omg fuzzy head, go away! I didn't get enough sleep at all last night! ~_~

Viv;  xD Tee hee, no worries, no worries! Is it school that keeps you busy? If it is at least summer's almost here!? And thank yoooouu~ I got tired of the old cell shading for eyes. xD I wanted something more busy and eye catching! 


dlfiajdfk /watches them to go to sleep sometimes/ OTL Only the ones... I know well... LOL. I like to fall asleep the Shining, it's the movie I watch when I'm siiiiiick. Oh Vivi? 

xD Ha ha oh no! That star staff thing I drew with her originally was only added because we hadn't made it an AU yet! So I gave her a classic random magical girl weapon! The star waaaaaand! Though I might give it to her anyways the for lulz. * v*

RL Commission wip for DeviPoo on dA! OTL I actually still gotta fix it LDKFJD. LOL. 

Okay! Back to OCs! This is Yukina's magical girl outfit. "Magical girl." She's a sniper, dammit, she's not supposed to look cute. After all, even at your last breath, you won't even know what hit you~! Based her to look more robotic/mecha looking than magical girl. MEEEECHA my first true anime genre loooooove.

WUUUT LOL WHO DIS. Okay, one person whose out of high school but still in the magical girl AU is Risa here! Her weapon ended up being double fans, something elegant that fits her. Well, actually, she's quite the tomboy. Let's go a little over her past!

Risa is 19, and one of the eldest with magical powers. She's got an edge over the others because of her age, alongside her "brother" (the two are both orphans and grew up together, so they see each other only as siblings), Asher. Despite not having parents, the two had instead, love interests. 

Risa's love interest was a childhood friend, completing the childhood trio of Asher, Risa and Eason. He's about 3 years older than them. Nonetheless! It was obvious that her and Eason had something going on, however they never officially dated considering she was underage and well, Eason was trying to be a cop. Not the best way to start off.

She was hardly 18, but fully ready to start planning a life with Eason. But fate wouldn't listen, and instead not only did Eason die one day, he was found dead with none other than Asher's love interest, Nana. Nobody knows who did it or why. Risa was once a cheerful and bubbly tsundere of a girl, who was a little shy to admit she liked cute things and looking cute. Now, she's a mere shell of her former self, normally wearing a melancholy and straight faced gaze. Together with Asher, she's trying to find the person responsible. Unlike Asher, however, the girl is rational and thinks with her head rather than her emotions. You can call her the sane and reasonable half of the two. 

Um. I tried to design Zak an outfit for the magical girl AU but meh. He's kinda a roulette of magic. Hence the outfit and bleeeeeeeh.

And this was supposed to be Rina's outfit. But again. Meh. 8(  

WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS I RETREAT BACK TO THE YANDERE/YANGIRENESSSSSSS. Lol so anyways the all might randomizer spoke and selected Zeek as my next victim! * v*)/ I was quite happy with this one, I'm not sure why. Anyways he's ambidextrous, hence the woooooords. 

Ironically out of 17 people, the randomizer chose Kiotome next! Originally, she was going to be alone like the rest of the pics have been, but I decided to keep her original story. See, in the story she comes from, she comes from a long bloodline of, well, they kill a certain "race" LOL. Annnnyways~ The guy she's in love with is only 1/4th the blood of the one she's supposed to kill. She doesn't realize it, but her bloodline inside her does, and so she attacks him. She wants to love him; but her original intentions and reasons she was born was to kill him. 

Keeping that idea here, I figured she'd go for Zeek first. 'Cept here, they tend to battle seriously. They know they're on par with each other, and while there's a chance of serious danger, there's enough trust they won't get critically injured. But if she were to snap mid-battle, unable to contain that need to win, that goal, that inner born desire, she might just kill him. It would hurt, but at least she finally did it, she finally won. 

Omg wut yandere Benji THE IDEA IS SO ABSURD LOLOLOL. Annnnyways, he does develop more than just a petty crush on his best friend, Chisato. But if she was taken away from him... first, the despair. The emotional shut down. Then. The ideas that come up. What would I do if I found that person? No! Don't think about it. The next time the idea comes up? He advances further into what would happen. And he'll try to push those horrible ideas away, but one day, he just may snap. And let that perfect plan that's sat in the back of his head unleashed.

Annnnyyyways this is what the words say: 

it's not like i hate you
i hate what you did to her though
do you know what it's like to lose somebody you love?
i won't kill somebody you love
i'll make everybody you love hurt
you will die, and hurt them all
and it'll never amount to my pain, you know.
because i loved her more than you know
more than everybody loves you
so feel her pain
be scared like she was
just die

And neeeext was Kai~ Lol I thought this was going to be difficult, considering his entire character is based around being a pacifist and even if he were threatened with the ending of his life, he'd let himself die without a fight. But in this story, oh no, there's a back up plan. See, there's these weird collars, only certain kids have them. They're said to help with magic, and Kai probably needs it really badly otherwise he can't control or use his properly.

However, this collar is just a back up device, something to jolt the energy within the wearer, making them a puppet to whoever is on the other end. Kai wants peace so bad? Here! We'll give you the power to give peace! Don't blame us for how it comes about, however.... 

Full text says: 

the collar only helped you with your most inner desire.

you want the fighting to stop.

what better way than to kill them one by one?

the fighting would stop.

the collar only helped you carry out that task.

good job, poor jackson, he never saw it coming...

Bwa ha ha~ Saika got chosen by our randomizer, and she's a yandeeeere~ Touch her Seiji and she'll kill you! Literally. Too bad we don't know who she got mad at. They're nothing but a fleshy paste now! 

On the randomizer, this was lucky number 13. Featuring Namie! She more of a yangire than a yandere. I thought words would take away from this picture, but in my head she's saying something like "I told you not to come any closer. I begged you not to." I think whoever it was genuinely scared the poor girl, to the point where she lost it and rather than run away, fought back. I think she won, no? 

Aaaaand the roulette chose Jackson now! I'm not really sure which he is atm. LOL. Yangire? I'd see yandere first. Speaking of which, in this story he loses the girl that caught his eye, Mizuki. She dies, and ever since her death he gets worse and worse with his behavior- I mean that in a lewd, he's kind of a player and a man whore now. 

If he ever snapped, he'd be one cocky son of a bitch in the most annoying of ways as you can see. 




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