Thursday, July 21, 2011

| wip + doodle designs |

Gaaah guys, my contacts came in! orz;; Now to actually... try to look... pretty. /so insecure about looks/ I honestly think I look a million times uglier in pictures than I do in actuality. Some days I look in the mirror and I'm happy with myself. I take a picture, and think "is that what people see or is it just the way the camera captured my shadows and looks?" 

8( Idk. I also can't smile on command. Every smile you see that looks decent, it was a genuine smile. Otherwise my cheeks get big and puffy trying to figure out how to smile without feeling the need to. orz;; Idk. Gah. Sometimes I'm just really insecure about my looks, especially knowing the people around me and even online friends are a million times prettier! 

Viv; ;_____; Eeee thank you, I just hope it prints well! ;____; /has to run back to Staples as I said in the stream HDKFLDJAF/ Lol I never played the second one! xD LOL OMG. DAMN. XD We started at like, 12pm my time! IT WAS ADDICTING though hard since we get different quests! >:C And I figured out I can't use the swords you gave me, I have to use ~daggers~ LOL WTF. LIKE THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE. A SHANK'S A SHANK. /SHANKS IRISONLINE KAY?/ EEEE LOL MAKE HIM PLAY. WE'LL HAVE A ~PARTY OF ASS KICKERS~! xD Omg I  have like. Two mouse...s... mice...? LOL AND YET I USE NEITHER. Tee hee d'awww and thank you! xD 

Aaaaand finished another keychain! c: Tee hee, Sailor Moon! Eeeeeeeeks I gotta finish the rest and make more! ; v; 

WELP this is what happens when I can't think of anything to draw. 8( I design. Basic concepts for maybe future OCs. So yup, he's just a design and nothing else. Maybe I'll use him as a base later on~! I really just wanted an OC that has his jacket around his shoulders like that. 8)

WELL I didn't think I'd design anything I was remotely happy with. Lol kinda like this girl. Originally she didn't have shorts, they were panties, LOLOLOL but for the sake of her I changed it. :c If I keep her as an OC (where the hell is she going? She fits in no stories! TIME TO MAKE ONE UP!) she might get the panties instead of the shorts, lol. I almost made her blond but then she'd have the same attitude looking problem as Vivi, which now that I think about it, BOTH GOT STREAKS IN THEIR HAIR~! LOL. I guess I like my bad asses with streaks? xD 


1 comment:


    Hehe, speaking of OCs~ * u* Finally drew my Irisonline OC. <: Bwahah. I don't have much for him, although I can see him as a bit of a quiet guy. don't have an age yet, derp. he's very smart, obv., he's a mage. hmm, his best friend is an elf-rogue thing named Chiaki. Gotta give Chiaki a ref! and chiaki's bimbo girlfriend whose name is Danette, i think! * u* It's all undecided.

    Ffft, I really like that male. I like his color, his clothes, etc. * u* And that girl too! * u* I love your color choices, djalsdhlaksla. AW MAN, I LOVE THOSE BIG SLEEVES. 8( There's this thing in my pokemon story, all the villains have one black sleeve. If your sleeve has something on it, you're pretty fucking important; if you have 2 sleeves, consider yourself top-notch; if you have white sleeves, you're the boss; if your sleeve is tied with a ribbon mid-way, you're someone to be relied on. Derp.

    DAMN IT, I FEEL LIKE SHE'S TROLLING ME WITH HER FACE. 8( brb fighting yeti forever.
